Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Finding Truthful Trust Again

It becomes easy to spout how have worked on your healing after suffering from an injury. Whether that injury is a stubbed toe, major athletic injury, heartbreak or a business partnership that dissolved through dishonesty when it passes we start the healing process. Too many times we rush this process, we often look to God for answers as to why which is good. It is better to look towards him to help us forgive; forgive the hurt, forgive ourselves for putting yourself in the situation, through true forgiveness trust can reform.

After a knee injury when I was younger it took me a while to trust that knee again, that it wouldn't do that again, that it was strong enough to hold me and to completely trust that it wouldn't fail me again when I most needed it. When I think on it now ultimately, I found forgiveness in my knee and in that developed the trust in it all over again. Still to this day I thank the Lord at nights/mornings in my prayers for the renewed strength, the protection from injury and trust in him that he is always working his plan through me.

In matters of the heart when it is from a spouse, significant other or a parent when trust is injured it is mucho difficult to move forward or trust another again openly and honestly if this forgiveness - true forgiveness is not found. It states in the bible to error is human to forgive is divine. I remember reading this and how it opened my heart and my mind to what this truly means. We look to other humans to complete us, but when you truly open your heart and love God first and open your heart to him he fills the void that we look to other flawed humans to fill. God is perfect, he has no imperfections and I am humbled by his true love for me everyday. It brings me to tears to feel how he loves me. Me - far from perfect, mistakes and wrong choices made daily, but still he loves me and stays at my side and just gently guides/corrects my path. Sometimes not so gently. My trust in him is unfailing and through this true relationship with him I open myself to the forgiveness piece in my heart and soul that enables me to openly love and trust man again.

I am far from healed but it is my hope in sharing this that maybe even one more person out there are be touched and find forgiveness, drop the bitterness and anger and walk lighter here on earth. Do  not put so much over bearing pressure on those we interact with and love here on earth. Remind yourself daily that there is only one perfect love and that is the love of God. (For God so loved the earth he gave his ONLY son) He did that for us, can you imagine sacrificing your child for anyone?

Find forgiveness through Christ, remind yourself that humans are flawed but worthy of respect, love and trust, and mostly remember that life is going to hurt sometimes but you can find comfort in his word, his light, his love.

"There is no fear in love but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."  John 1:4